Monthly Archives: March 2020

Coronavirus: The Age of the Internet

Right now on the Internet you read a lot about staying at home and washing your hands thoroughly to prevent further spread of the virus.

But way more important is what you don’t read. I stumbled across the following online news article of the Jerusalem Post. Looks legit to me. Nevertheless I haven’t read anything about those Israeli scientists anywhere else.

Neither denying nor confirming news articles like these is probably the worst thing officials in other countries can do. It ultimately leads to disorientation and panic.

Lessons learned: Today we already live in the age of the internet. But while infrastructure and communication services might be functioning pretty good, we still need to learn how to communicate effectively, and distribute the right news and information at the right time.

You better stick to your promises:
Israeli scientists: ‘In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine’ (MARCH 15, 2020)

NetworkManager in Ubuntu 19.10 and 20.04 not working

NetworkManager in Ubuntu 19.10 and 20.04 is disabled by default, except for WiFi connections.

If you experience any problems with Ethernet connections or vlans (including a vlan that might be configured by netplan but somehow doesn’t get activated), check out the configuration file 10-globally-managed-devices.conf.



As you can see, all devices are declared unmanaged by default, except for wifi, gsm and cdma devices. Move the file to /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d and change it to:


Restart NetworkManager.

sudo systemctl restart network-manager